Get certified in Ministry with People with Disabilities


By Rev. Harriet Wilkin

Even though we are mostly meeting online for Worship, Sunday School and for other small group gatherings; there are many ways we can include people with disabilities. Come and join us in these courses as we explore Bible passages, discuss theology and then explore the many ways that our communities of faith can provide open hospitality to people with disabilities.

Starting August 24, a second cohort will begin the Certification in Ministry with People with Disabilities courses through

Descriptions for the four courses required for certification can be found here on the website. All are welcome to attend and participate in the discussions including those serving in other denominations.

Continuing education credit is offered.

If you have any questions regarding the courses being offered you are welcome to email me at:

Harriet Wilkin serves as pastor of the Castle Rock and Grays River United Methodist churches in the Crest to Coast Missional District of the Pacific Northwest Conference and is a member of the PNW Disability Ministry Committee. Wilkin is one of the instructors of this offering from the Richard and Julia Wilke Institute for Discipleship at Southwestern College, a United Methodist institution in Winfield, Kansas.

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