United Methodists in the PNW Conference are taking bold steps toward net-zero emissions by 2040 and they are learning along the way. Through grants and community partnerships, they're driving climate action and showcasing how faith-based initiatives can foster real-world change.
Are you looking for ways to help pay for college, graduate school, or seminary? Our United Methodist connection, including the PNW Conference, offers several scholarship opportunities which can help you to finance your education or the education of a loved one.
Wildfires in LA continue to challenge communities, but we can help. In addition to prayer, there are several United Methodist ways to offer financial assistance in addition to training to assist in future disaster response efforts.
As we step into 2025, what word will guide your journey? PNW Conference Director of Communications Patrick Scriven shares that he is reflecting on the word 'choice' causing him to consider how connected our actions (and inactions) are to the freedoms and responsibilities we have as followers of Jesus. What choices will you make this year?
In his latest commentary, Rev. Paul Graves delves into the meaning behind the humble manger and challenges us to live out the true spirit of Christ’s teachings. He invites us to reflect on the unexpected symbolism of the manger and its call to embrace inclusivity, aid the poor, and strive for peace on Earth.
After Hurricane Helene brought devastation to the Southeast, United Methodists—including a team from the Pacific Northwest—answered the call to bring hope and healing. Discover how connectional ministry and compassion are transforming lives in Georgia and learn how you can offer hope as well.
Rev. Paul Graves reflects on the experience of aging, emphasizing that while physical appearances change over time, the essence of one’s youthful self remains within. Graves, who transitioned from a long pastoral career to geriatric social work, encourages us to embrace aging as a natural and valuable part of life, recognizing the enduring spirit that resides within.
As Transgender Day of Remembrance approaches on Nov. 20, various ministries across the Greater Northwest Area of The United Methodist Church understand the significance of their call to honor this day with God’s beloved transgender siblings and allies. Faith communities see the gospel imperative to observe this date, and mourn with transgender siblings, after an election cycle filled with hate and fear.
Rev. Paul Graves reflects on the experience of aging, emphasizing that while physical appearances change over time, the essence of one’s youthful self remains within. Graves, who transitioned from a long pastoral career to geriatric social work, encourages us to embrace aging as a natural and valuable part of life, recognizing the enduring spirit that resides within.