Abundant Health recommendations for #givingTuesday


As has been the tradition in years past, the Abundant Health team of the Oregon-Idaho Conference is offering recommendations on a wide variety of United Methodist global, missional organizations which could use support on Giving Tuesday – Dec. 1.

Emilie Kroen, Abundant Health team leader for the Conference, said each of the nine organizations recommended below have some connection to the Conference and the ongoing work of The United Methodist Church across the globe:

  • Global Health Advance #3021770: Global Ministries’ vision of abundant health for all focuses on efforts to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. The Global Health unit therefore aims to create abundant health in economically vulnerable communities by protecting children and disadvantaged adults from preventable causes of death and disease.
  • Brazil: “Shade & Fresh Water” Advance # 11580A. Established by Gordon & Teca Greathouse more than 18 years ago. The Shade and Fresh Water project, a ministry of the Methodist Church in Brazil, has provided afterschool programming for children for more than 18 years. Across the country through churches in over 50 locations, Shade and Fresh Water reaches 2570 children and youth.
  • Imagine No Malaria Advance # 3021190. The United Methodist Church’s Imagine No Malaria (INM) program is working together with UMC health boards in Sub-Saharan Africa to increase access to and utilization of malaria preventative measures, diagnosis, and treatment services. Our comprehensive approach to address malaria supports control measures to educate, prevent, and treat those communities in areas affected by malaria, as well as revitalize health facilities and support human resource development.
  • Liberia—Ganta Hospital. Advance # 15080N. Providing quality and affordable healthcare in the rural north Liberia.
  • Liberia – Camphor Mission: Health Clinic. Advance #12548A. Providing education, healthcare and agricultural training to help people recovering from war.
  • Kenya – Maua Hospital. Advance # 09613A. Providing life-saving inpatient healthcare for the critically ill.
  • Katherine T. Parker United Mission to Nepal. Advance # 15187Z. Parker is a missionary with the General Board of Global Ministries of The United Methodist Church serving as a Health and Community Transformation Advisor with the United Mission to Nepal (UMN). Parker’s work in Nepal is focused in three areas: 1) Adolescent empowerment, including sexual reproductive health and rights and menstrual hygiene; 2) Maternal and child health; and 3) Water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH).
  • United Methodist Women’s ministries:
    1. International Child Care at Grace Children’s Hospital in Haiti. International Child Care support for child and maternal health program to train traditional birth attendants and offer immunization, pre-natal care and screening to prevent childhood diseases.
    2. United Methodist Women’s Mission Giving – which is unrestricted funds – supports the total program of the organization.  There are five avenues for Mission Giving: Pledge to Mission, Special Mission Recognition, Gift to Mission, Gift in Memory, and World Thank Offering. In 2014, the Legacy Fund Endowment Campaign was launched to raise $60 million to secure United Methodist Women for service in the next 150 years and beyond.

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