While firefighters have been diligently working to control the Los Angeles-area wildfires a week after this tragedy first struck, we know there is still uncertainty. Strong winds are visiting the region this week, threatening to spark new flames. The people impacted by these fires are on many of our minds; even as they adapt to their new reality, some reach out to care for their neighbors, inspiring us all.
One of the blessings of being in a connectional church is that we do not weather these calamities alone. Just as the larger connection has offered its support to us as our neighbors felt the impact of wind, flood waters and flames, we can support those in LA with our prayers and financial assistance for imminent needs and for when they are ready to rebuild.
Beyond prayer, there are two excellent opportunities for you to offer your support as first responders continue to fight to control the remaining fires.
- You can donate to the Los Angeles Fire Recovery Fund through the UMC California Pac Conference. These funds will benefit all the Los Angeles communities suffering from the fires. To give: https://www.calpacumc.org
- You can also donate directly to UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) to support its disaster relief efforts in the United States (including these LA fires). To give: https://umcmission.org/advance-project/901670/
If you are unfamiliar with UMCOR, click here to learn more about how it responds to disasters in the United States and around the world.
Because of the nature of these fires, recovery will be a long-term project. If you would like to prepare yourself to be a part of our conference response to natural disasters in the future, please consider the next Early Response Team Basic Training scheduled for March 29 at Bothell UMC. The class, taught by UMCOR-certified trainers, will prepare you on ways to clean out a flooded home, haul debris, sift through ashes and work alongside survivors while staying safe.
Oregon is a ways away from southern California, but some of our members have asked that I notify UMCOR that we have spare rooms available for southern California residents seeking to take a break (long or short) from the devastation and smoke. I emailed and responded via “contact us” late last week and am just going to continue to offer until I hear back. So far we have 3 households each with at least a spare room and queen size bed. 2 with an additional small room and twin bed. Not much, but we’re working on it and have been announcing each Sunday for donations.
Grace & Peace,
Pastor Pam Palmer, First UMC Roseburg, Oregon