Asian American Language Ministry Plan Announces the COVID-19 Resiliency Fund


The Asian American Language Ministry Plan (AALM), housed at the General Board of Global Ministries, has created the AALM COVID-19 Resiliency Fund in direct response to the current needs facing local Asian American United Methodist churches during these challenging times. AALM seeks to fund churches responding to needs that have emerged due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Grants of up to $4,000 from the COVID-19 Resiliency Fund can be used for either salary support or programming by an AALM church, but not both.

“Many of our AALM churches have experienced serious challenges during the coronavirus pandemic. Our hope is that grants from the AALM COVID-19 Resiliency Fund will enable these churches to continue to fulfill the mission of the UMC – making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. One big challenge has been financial and we know that churches will have an easier time fulfilling this mission if they can continue to pay their pastors or pay for some programming,” said the Rev. John Oda, director of AALM.

Additional information about the AALM Covid-19 Resiliency Fund and grant application process are available here. Since there are some limits to funding, interested applicants are asked to contact John Oda at before completing and submitting the grant application.


About the Asian American Language Ministry Plan The Asian American Language Ministry Plan was established by the General Conference of The United Methodist Church to strengthen and grow the ministries of its Asian American churches. Funding is provided annually for projects that meet the following four goals as mandated by the General Conference and the priorities established by the AALM Committee: Leadership Development, Church Growth, Ministry with the Poor and Language Resources and Materials. Learn more at