By Michele Williams

This Christmas season, like the rest of 2020, we are all facing new challenges as we struggle to operate and yet celebrate within COVID-19 restrictions. New challenges require new solutions and practices as we continue to share God’s love.

Here at the Community United Methodist Church in Coeur d’Alene, ID, we stopped short of devolving into a pity party, thinking instead of our shut-ins and high-risk members and friends who are experiencing even deeper separation and isolation. We decided to lift their spirits (and ours) by organizing a drive-by Christmas greeting to remind them that they are important, remembered, and loved.   

Participating members will decorate their cars, form a convoy, and drive-by select destinations during midday Christmas Eve. Our times and destinations will be pre-coordinated with the receiving parties, so they will know that we are coming. Keeping a safe distance, we will make a little noise, spread a little joy, and hopefully warm some hearts. 

If you want to consider something similar in your neck of the woods, we are available to share ideas and brainstorm with you. Our point of contact is Rebecca Harshaw, Office Administrator, CUMC Coeur d’Alene: email or phone 208-765-8800. 

May you and yours have a Merry Christmas!

Michele Williams is a member of Community United Methodist Church in Coeur d’Alene, ID.

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