Introducing the PNW UMVIM Volunteer Coordinator


I hope my words find you healthy, hopeful, and looking for something to do! My name is Tracy Faulkner, and I am the new Pacific Northwest (PNW) Conference Volunteer Coordinator for United Methodist Volunteers in Mission (UMVIM). I am also a long-time member of The United Methodist Church. My story began at Glide UMC in San Francisco in 1987. It was at Glide that I learned why we serve and how to serve.

When we moved our young family to Wenatchee, I knew it was important to continue shepherding my daughters in being comfortable with and heartfelt toward compassionate service. I searched for a community that not only knew the importance of serving others but was active in serving. I found that sense of service at yet another United Methodist Church (UMC)! Wenatchee First UMC (WFUMC) has been my home, buoy, and faith foundation since 1992.

In September 1996, I joined the staff of WFUMC. I was privileged to lead many teams across the USA and Mexico on various mission trips. Many children, youth, young adults, and retired folks have been given the opportunity to serve because WFUMC believes in serving others.

Now, in my retirement, I am honored to shepherd again and assist you and your church to grow into compassionate service! My goal is to open your eyes to possibilities. I will begin by learning about communities that are inviting us to step into their life and walk with them as we help them rebuild. Next, I will knock on your doors via newsletter, phone, text, or email with information that you can share with your congregation for next-step planning.

Please know that you will not be alone if you are planning your first mission trip. I will walk you through the logistics that will help you and your teams undergo life-changing experiences. If you’ve led many teams, let’s work together, as I know you have a lot to teach me.

I am working closely with Ronda Cordill, UMVIM Western Jurisdiction Coordinator, Kathy and Dana Bryson, PNW Conference Disaster Response Coordinators, and Rev. David Valera, Executive Director of Connectional Ministries (PNW). They will be guiding me through these next few months as I learn new ropes.

I look forward to “doing” mission work with you. Call me, Text me, email me, 509-670-9904.

Tracy Faulkner serves as Volunteer Coordinator for the United Methodist Volunteers in Mission program in the Pacific Northwest Conference of The United Methodist Church.

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