New immigration resources released to address changing situation


During its General Conference last spring, The United Methodist Church updated its Social Principles, statements that address contemporary issues from a sound biblical and theological foundation. After less than two weeks of the new Trump Administration, it is already clear that our Church’s public witness stands in some contrast on several topics, not the least of which is immigration.

Section G. of ‘The Political Community’ of the 2024 Social Principles offers a nuanced understanding of human migration and its myriad causes. Even in its brevity, it has the information one might hope our elected officials take to heart as they consider and debate policy. The statement urges United Methodists to “welcome migrants, refugees, and immigrants into their congregations and to commit themselves to providing concrete support, including help with navigating restrictive and often lengthy immigration policies, and assistance with securing food, housing, education, employment and other kinds of support.”

The Council of Bishops’ Task Force on Immigration has been working closely with the Immigration Law and Justice Network (ILJN, formerly JFON), a ministry partner that grew out of UMCOR, to understand the Trump Administration’s executive orders and executive actions regarding immigration and immigrants. ILJN has permitted them to share their materials with the understanding that the political situation in the U.S. around immigration is very fluid and can change quickly. These items are linked below for your review and use.

We are sharing these resources with you with the same cautionary note ILJN offered to the Council of Bishops. With so many changes arriving in such a short period, it isn’t easy to know many things with certainty, especially as the administration moves aggressively to enact its agenda.

Another item to consider is the direct impact of the Trump Administration’s rescission of previous policies and practices protecting places like churches, schools and hospitals from immigration enforcement actions. The National Immigration Law Center has produced a factsheet explaining the impact of this change on previously protected areas. Look for the section titled ‘Recommendations for places of worship’ toward the bottom of the page for specific guidance for faith communities. It’s worth saying that churches can’t put a sign on their doors and solve this problem.

Leaders across our episcopal area are also having conversations with legal experts and partners to better understand how enforcement practices may differ in each state. Please know that we will share additional resources as more information becomes available. Until then, thank you for all you continue to do to share God’s love with all, a love that transcends all borders and knows no limits.

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