Oregon-Idaho Camp and Retreat Ministries offering “Trauma-Informed Care” class for GNW

Shauna Signorini, resilience and trauma educator.

After the first year of dealing with COVID-19, many are eyeing the opportunity to climb out from under this cloud. As that happens, there is a growing awareness that the impact this pandemic has had on our lives – individually and collectively – is going to be with us for much longer than is currently known.

To address the needs of staff who have suffered varying degrees of trauma, and to prepare us all for working with others, Oregon-Idaho Conference Camp and Retreat Ministries (CRM) is sponsoring a three-hour training on trauma-informed care. The online training will be held April 17, from 9 am – 12 pm Pacific time and is open to anyone in the Greater Northwest Area.

This training provides the basics around trauma and its impact on our collective quality of life. Participants will learn about trauma and become trauma informed. They will understand the possible lasting impact of toxic stress, recognize “flight, fight, and freeze,” and how relationships and activities rebuild the brain. Participants will learn practical ways to support a person who has experienced trauma.

“Our awareness of the needs of others will allow us to better serve them in their time of need,” said Todd Bartlett, executive director of Oregon-Idaho CRM.

The facilitator for the morning is Shauna Signorini. To learn more about Signorini and her work, visit her website.

If you would like to participate in this training to prepare you to care for others you can register here. The cost is $25 (scholarships are available) for the three-hour training.

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