PNW Reconciling Ministries to host Watch Night Services as 2020 approaches

United Methodists invited to join in effort to resist evil, confirm belovedness, and pray for those who may be harmed


Dec. 19, 2019 – On the eve of new prohibitions and punishments that go into effect January 1st, churches across the Pacific Northwest Conference will be hosting Watch Night services. At these services, United Methodists will celebrate their resistance, confirm their belovedness, recommit to the church, and pray for those likely to be impacted in the early months of 2020. 

Watch Night Services, sometimes referred to as Covenant Renewal Services, are a practice John Wesley adapted from the Moravians. Through these services, participants will reconnect to our Methodist traditions and reaffirm God’s love for all people. They will take time to lament the harm that is coming and to put trust into the God who created each of us. 

Several churches around the PNW Conference will be hosting these services. Each church’s service will be a little different, reflecting the common call to love one another and to celebrate each unique location’s particular gifts and the surrounding community. The PNW Reconciling Ministries Network celebrates this diversity in its many forms. 

You are invited and encouraged to join a Watch Night Service at one of the following churches as the new year begins, so that we may all be grounded in our commitment to love, one another, and God’s abundant love.  

Centralia First UMCDec. 31, 8 PMRev. Vangie Rand
Des Moines UMCDec. 31, 7 PM Rev. Joanne Carlson Brown 
Haven: Walla WallaDec. 31, 9 PM -12 AMRev. Zach Taylor 
Olympia: First UMCDec. 31st, 5 PM (Chapel)Rev. Amanda Nicol
Spokane: Creator’s TableDec. 29, 5 PMRev. Katy Shedlock
Tacoma: Mason UMCDec. 31, 6 PMRev. Thomas Irby
Seattle: University Temple UMCDec. 31, 7:30 PMRev. Pat Simpson

About PNW Reconciling Ministries: The Pacific Northwest Reconciling Ministries Network (PNW-RMN) is an association of individuals, congregations, and campus ministries in Washington and northern Idaho who are part of the Reconciling Ministries movement within The United Methodist Church (UMC). Reconciling Ministries seek full inclusion of and participation by ALL people in the life of the UMC, including sexual minorities and others who are not fully included at present.

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