By Kristen Caldwell

As we enter into a new decade, Kita Montgomery hopes to bring the Rose City Park community together through the Rose City Gospel Chorus. She envisions this group as offering their talents to the local community by performing in a wide range of places from festivals to nursing homes.

In Montgomery’s estimation, community singing allows for a blending and bonding that builds up solidarity and morale among those participating. “Our community needs to bond more than before. We’re not as socially connected as we used to be in the past.” She hopes music can rekindle that fire that was once there and thus reunite the love and care for each other.

Rev. Karen Ward, pastor of Rose City Park United Methodist Church is thrilled about the launch of this community chorus.

“I’m excited about Kita Montgomery curating the Rose City Park Gospel Chorus at Rose City Park United Methodist Church because it is open to anyone in the neighborhood who is interested to get into communal singing, as an expression of shared hope for humanity that is reconciling and healing,” Ward said. “And in a time of division and ongoing trauma in our nation and beyond, the spirit of Gospel music can stir souls, and bring together diverse people across differences to engage in community uplift through song.

Neighbors and community members interested in singing in this chorus can show up for the first rehearsal on Wednesday, January 15th, 2020 at 8 pm. Rose City Park UMC is located at 5830 NE Alameda Street in Portland.

Those interested in participating in the Rose City Park Chorus can contact to get on the email list for information about upcoming rehearsals, performances, and events.

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