“small bites, Big Flavor” videos online now


By Rev. Sheila Miranda

It is not too late to benefit from the first of three ““small bites, BIG FLAVOR” workshops presented by worship specialist, Dr. Marcia McFee. The workshop held at Spokane Valley UMC in mid-August was recorded and “small bite” lessons from it can now be accessed at Worship Design Studio through your GNW registration.

If you did not register in advance, you can still register through your conference at these links:

You will then receive an email from Marcia at Worship Design Studio with instructions about how you can access the “small bites, BIG FLAVOR” video lessons and worship resource by signing up for the “2024-2025 Planning Retreats” on the Worship Design Studio website.  The “small bites” are 20 video segments of the live stream recording, which have been edited and indexed for easy, digestible lessons for your worship teams. Lessons include both mindset and skillset themes to enrich worship no matter the size of your church.

Your registration automatically registers you for online access to upcoming worship workshops by Dr. Marcia McFee in 2025. The Lent/Easter planning workshop will be held January 10-12 at Olympia First UMC and the Ordinary Time workshop will be hosted by Wesley United Methodist Church in Yakima May 2-4. If you choose to attend either of these workshops in person, you will be asked to register for the local hospitality event as the dates draw closer. Everyone is encouraged to attend at least one of the events in person, as being in the room with Marcia has added energy and allows you to experience sensory-rich worship.

A big “thank you” to Spokane Valley UMC for hosting the live event in August. Kudos to Pastor Alissa Amestoy, the SVUMC hospitality team, the Cheney UMC decorating team, and the PNW Conference staff. Special thanks to Green Bluff UMC and Highland Park UMC for welcoming Marcia to their sanctuaries to film video lessons on decorating and “right-sizing” worship space.

Rev. Sheila Miranda serves as Assistant for Connectional Ministries for the Inland and Seven Rivers Missional Districts of the Pacific Northwest Conference of The United Methodist Church.

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