GBGM Missionary, Deaconess Joy Prim, itinerates in PNW and Alaska


Cheney UMC invites you to an in-person presentation by GBGM Missionary and Deaconess Joy Prim on April 18th at 7 p.m. There will be a potluck at 6 p.m. for any who can join us. Cheney UMC’s address is 204 Fourth Street, Cheney, WA 99004, and you can contact Ronda Cordill for more information at

Joy Prim, a missionary serving in Hong Kong, will also present her work as a Missionary in Hong Kong to United Methodist churches in Alaska with a special invitation to the United Women of Faith in Alaska. In Hong Kong, SAR, migrant workers remain one of the most vulnerable groups, left out of many social protections. The Mission for Migrant Workers has seen an increase in migrant workers seeking their services. As a missionary, Joy provides stability and continuity to the mission’s social justice work.

Joy’s story is awe-inspiring when she became a United Women in Faith (formerly UM Women) at age 12, serving as a Mission Intern, a forerunner to Global Mission Fellows, and now a Global Missionary.

Please join Joy Prim as she tells her story about  “Working with Migrants in Hong Kong:  A Human Rights Issue.”

If you can not join us at Cheney UMC, Joy is doing a Virtual Presentation for the Alaska Conference on April 18 at 3 p.m. PT or 2 p.m. AKT, and all are invited to join. 

Additionally, on Monday, April 17, 2023, at 6:30 p.m. PT/5:30 p.m. AKT, all are also invited to join us for an official viewing of Joy Prim’s Documentary “Migrant Women Rise.” This 70-minute movie discusses the human rights issues that migrants face in Hong Kong.

Click here to register for the documentary on Monday or the presentation on Tuesday.

Finally, if you are in the Seattle area, please consider this in-person screening on Monday, April 17, at Beacon United Methodist Church at 1 p.m. Click below for more details about this opportunity.


  1. Joy Prim was one of my students at Pfeiffer University. I got the UMNews too late to know about her travel to PNW or I surely would have gone to see her. Do you have an email address or some way that I may contact here? Thank you.
    Rev. Dr. Patty Meyers
    Retired Deacon, Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference

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