Relief supplies can provide hope for the most vulnerable people following a disaster or during times of crisis. You can help this Holiday Season by keeping our Greater Northwest Area relief supplies ready to go by making kits or giving toward the purchase of needed supplies. Disaster Response Coordinators from across the GNW Area are asking you to prayerfully consider helping out in the following ways:
Build Kits
Bake those Christmas cookies then bring a group together to build UMCOR-based Kits! Cleaning, Hygiene and “Period Pak” Menstrual Kits can be the first step in giving hope to survivors during some of the most difficult times of their lives.
Give Kits
An UMCOR-based relief kit can be a welcomed gift by a disaster survivor. If you are not able to build kits, maybe you would like to partner with another church or community group. You can supply the funds for the kits and they can build them. Estimated costs are: UMCOR Hygiene Kits (valued at $12), “Period Packs” (Menstrual Hygiene Kit valued at $24), and Cleaning Kits (valued at $75).
Start Now! Are you ready to Give Hope?
Contact your Conference Disaster Response Coordinators now for more information on how to build kits or donate towards supplies:
- Alaska Conference UMC: Rev. Dan Wilcox, danielpwilcox@gmail.com; alaskaCDRC@pnwumc.org
- Oregon-Idaho Conference UMC: Louise Kienzle, drc@umoi.org
- Pacific Northwest Conference UMC: Kathy Bryson, brysonpnw@gmail.com