Bishop Cedrick Bridgeforth offers encouraging and challenging message during installation service


Bishop Cedrick D. Bridgeforth was installed as the resident bishop of the Greater Northwest Episcopal Area of The United Methodist Church on Sat., May 20, 2023, during a worship service held at Aldersgate UMC in Juneau, Alaska. The Greater Northwest Area includes the Alaska, Oregon-Idaho, and Pacific Northwest Annual Conferences. Representatives from each annual conference participated in person and virtually, with over 1,000 others tuning in to watch the live stream over the first 48 hours, with some gathering in local church watch parties

Bridgeforth offered a message based on Luke’s Gospel (10:30-37) during his installation service. The Greater Northwest Area’s 2023 Annual Conference theme, “Go and Do Likewise,” was central, with Jesus’ words providing both challenge and direction. The bishop encouraged United Methodists across the Greater Northwest to “pray with our feet” and “get to neighboring” among many other topics. If you would like to use his sermon as a supplement in your church, use this link to download the sermon.

You can also (re)watch the entire installation service and opening of the GNW Annual Conference sessions on the Installation event page of the Greater Northwest Area website. A transcript is also available to download.

Signs of the episcopacy

As part of the ritual of installation, Bishop Cedrick D. Bridgeforth was gifted with several signs of the episcopacy, each one naming a way in which a bishop is called to serve. You can watch that specific portion of the worship service here.

There were many sweet and inspiring moments during Saturday’s installation service. Communicators from the GNW Area were on hand to capture photos. A photo gallery has been set up here.

Installation of Bishop Cedrick D. Bridgeforth

Your support for the GNW Circle of Indigenous Ministries is welcome

During Saturday’s installation service, an online offering was taken for the Greater Northwest Area Circle of Indigenous Ministries. Unfortunately, there was a problem with the payment side of the donation form and people couldn’t complete their online giving form. We apologize for the error and know that the problem has been fixed. If you’re able, click here to offer your gift today.

About the Installation

Bishop Cedrick D. Bridgeforth was elected and consecrated in November 2022 at the Western Jurisdictional Conference that took place at Christ United Methodist Church in Salt Lake City, UT. Though he began his service with us in January, this installation service was our opportunity to formally receive and celebrate Bishop Cedrick’s assignment to the Greater Northwest Area as its resident bishop. The Greater Northwest Area includes the Alaska, Oregon-Idaho, and Pacific Northwest Annual Conferences. 

To learn more about Bishop Bridgeforth, please visit

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