You are invited to celebrate Easter Together with the Greater Northwest Area!


During this time of physical separation, United Methodists in the Greater Northwest Area are invited to celebrate together this Easter! During a 35-minute worship celebration, Bishop Elaine JW Stanovsky’s message of hope is complemented by the visual, musical and vocal gifts of people across the Area.

Many local churches are planning to use some or all of this elements of this service as they celebrate Easter with their congregation. But even if your local church doesn’t, you can still take part in this worship experience after attending your local church’s!

The full worship service and elements are now available to view and download on the Greater Northwest Area’s Vimeo page. We ask that you not share any of these materials on social media before Easter morning.

We’ve also created three additional resources for those who plan to encourage members to participate in the full service online this Sunday! 

The Easter celebration will also be available to view on Easter Sunday at 7 am Mountain Time, 6 am Pacific Time, and 5 am Alaska Time at the following locations:

  • Greater Northwest Area Facebook – Visit
  • Alaska Conference Facebook Page – Visit
  • Oregon-Idaho Facebook Page – Visit
  • Pacific Northwest Facebook Page – Visit

Local churches on Facebook are encouraged to consider using the Watch Party feature to participate in this service offering alongside other members of their local church.

Finally, a special thank you to the many people who submitted photos, allowed the use of their creative content, or responded to invitations to participate on camera. Even in this time where we are apart, we can do so much together!

Christ is risen!  

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