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Clear Appointment Openings

Introduction to the Process

The appointive cabinets of the Greater Northwest Area and the Bishop are continuing the practice of sharing ‘clear openings‘ as the appointment process unfolds. When the appointive cabinets publish clear openings, we are giving clergy the opportunity to express an interest in a particular appointment. An expression of interest will not circumvent the usual discernment process and does not guarantee that the interested clergy will receive preferred consideration.

If you already serve within the Great Northwest Area and feel a sense of call to one of these appointments, you are invited to send an email to the District Superintendent of the appointment you are interested in. In it, express the reasons for submitting your name and why you feel the ministry setting is a good match for your gifts. This email will be used by District Superintendents in the discernment process.

If you are from outside the Greater Northwest Area, you are invited to fill out this form or contact the GNW Area District Superintendents (listed below). These submissions will be handled confidentially with no contact with your current appointment. The practice of sharing clear openings gives clergy an opportunity to tie a string around the superintendent’s finger. That string says, “remember me when you are considering Church of the Wonderful Opportunity UMC.”

The practice also gives clergy an opportunity to share their gifts and calling with the cabinet as the discernment process begins. Expressing your interest does not guarantee that you will be contacted for the desired appointment; it only means that the appointive cabinet and Bishop will intentionally consider you in the general discernment process.

It is important to note that not every potential appointment will be listed as sometimes an appointment does not become open until late in the process or the Cabinet already has a clear idea of how the appointment will be filled. Delays in public announcements of discerned appointments occur because multiple pieces of the puzzle are often in play at the same time.

Alaska Conference Superintendent
OR-ID Conference District Superintendents
PNW Conference District Superintendents

The openings below are listed by annual conference and in alphabetical order by city/town name.



Oregon-Idaho Conference


Pacific Northwest Conference
