2021 Global Ministries Racial Ethnic Local Church Grant Application now available


The Global Ministries Racial Ethnic Local Church (RELC) Grant application cycle is now open. RELC grants are provided to assist local racial/ethnic congregations with projects and programs on one of the four focus areas: 1) Leadership Development; 2) Church Growth and Development; 3) Ministry with the Poor, and 4) Health Ministries. 

RELC grants also provide a 1-year pastoral salary support of $10,000. The maximum amount for a programmatic grant is $10,000  This year’s grant deadline is May 1, 2021.  

The criteria of the RELC Grant is as follows:

  1. The ministry/project must focus on developing and strengthening the racial-ethnic local church for witness and mission.
  2. Applicants can apply for either a programmatic grant OR pastoral salary support, not both.
  3. The grant application requires a signature of the district superintendent and theresident bishop of the area where the ministry/project is located.
  4. The ministry/project must involve racial-ethnic church members in the planning, leadership, and decision-making.
  5. Priority will be given to new programs. Grants funded in the previous three years will not be given priority for the funding in the current year cycle.
  6. The ministry/project must be a program of a majority racial-ethnic local church or supporting racial-ethnic members of an annual conference of the United Methodist Church in the United States.
  7. Maximum grant for a project is $10,000 and applications must reflect other resources from local congregation/district and/or conference. The maximum grant for salary support is a one-year grant, in the amount of $10,000. Churches must contribute at least 10% of the requested grant amount, and the contribution must be reflected in the income section of the budget.
  8. Applicants are encouraged to consult with Global Ministries staff for guidance while preparing the application.

Questions about the program should be directed to Dana Lyles, PhD, Director of Multiethnic Ministries/Team Lead at the General Board of Global Ministries – dlyles@umcmission.org, (770) 625-7833.