Stress, Loss and Grief training offered to equip laity in supportive work amid dual pandemics


Laity are often in the position to offer support and compassion to others, particularly in this time of a dual pandemic of the virus and racial tension. The Lay Leaders of the Greater Northwest Episcopal Area of The United Methodist Church, Disaster Response, Oregon/Idaho Abundant Health and the New Circuit Riders have created this online training for you on Stress, Loss and Grief. This training can be shown through a Zoom meeting and covers: 

  • The dynamics of stress, loss and grief.
  • How to support others when they are experiencing this.
  • How to care for yourself so you can care for others.

Below are links to the training on Vimeo, a participant handout and instructions for using this training in a discussion group.

Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God… – Acts 20:28

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