Announcing the 2021 Online LEAD Conference


LEAD creates space for Christian leaders to be vulnerable and courageous, connects them around their hopes for the future, and equips them to bring those hopes into reality. 

Now, more than ever, in the era of COVID-19, increasing political polarization nationwide, and heightened awareness of racial, social, and economic injustices bursting forth, LEADERS NEED LEAD. 

LEAD 2021 will take place online January 25-26 and will feature 14 speakers and leaders who will offer stories of how they’ve led through these unprecedented times. A full list of this year’s speakers can be found at

While the talks will be pre-recorded, there will be multiple opportunities to engage with the speakers and other participants about the stories and ideas that are shared from the LEAD “stage.” 

Registration is open for the 10th annual LEAD Conference. Early Bird tickets sold out in the first 48 hours so act now to get the regular rate plus a swag box.

This year’s online experience will also include: 

Swag Boxes

Each box will include swag from our sponsors as well as some special LEAD items. Only the first 150 people who register by January 5th will receive a swag box. 

Opening Mixer Opportunities

LEAD will begin with an opportunity for participants to meet and engage with each other before the conference begins. This year we’re offering two fun opportunities on Sunday January 24th at 4pm MST:

Murder Mystery Zoom- Hosted by Trevor Warren
Paint Night!- Led by Andrew Illéné and hosted by Breanna Illéné

Front Porches

Come hang out half an hour early each day in a relaxed space and get to know other attendees. You’ll be greeted by a host and assigned randomly to a breakout room, with occasional (and optional) prompts for conversation.

Interactive Breakouts

Every aspect of the conference is geared toward connecting with other participants. LEAD’s breakouts are designed to offer networking opportunities and to continue conversations that are sparked by the talks. 

After Hours Opportunities

Monday at 4pm MST we’ll take a break from our “regularly scheduled programming” to share drinks or a meal together. Each event will have a unique shopping list so that you will be able to participate from your own bar or kitchen. These two opportunities are:

Mix It Up: A Drinks Mixing Workshop- Led by Jerry Herships and hosted by Breanna Illéné
Quarantine Kitchen: Cooking Class – Led by Sophia Agtarap and hosted by Kris Gallagher


We don’t want cost to be a barrier to anyone’s participation at UMC LEAD. If you are a student, lay person, or someone from an underrepresented community, we especially encourage you to apply here. All submissions will be kept confidential. Scholarships will reduce the cost of the conference to $5.

For general questions about the conference contact Brandon Lazarus at For information on sponsorship and marketing opportunities please contact Maria Longley at For the latest on speakers, registration, and other announcements visit


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