The story behind the Annual Conference 2022 logo


As Bishop Elaine JW Stanovsky announced a theme for the Greater Northwest Area annual conference gatherings in June, so, too, came the need to develop a logo that was representative of the theme: “Called to be: Alert, Faithful, Brave, Love.” The theme is rooted in Paul’s letter in 1 Corinthians 16: 13-14: “Stay awake, stand firm in your faith, be brave, be bold. Everything should be done in love.”

At annual conference sessions this year we will reflect on this scripture and this call. During these unsettling times, how can we live into this call so that we may continue – and begin again – the transformative, life-giving work God would have us do? With that, the Greater Northwest Area asked Kylie Nelson, an artist and graphic designer, member of Wesley UMC Eugene and General Conference reserve delegate, to create a logo that was responsive and reflective of this theme and call. Here is her description:

“The main concept for this design was stained glass artwork that’s typical in older churches. Usually, the larger window or sanctuary pieces tell a story. To incorporate the theme, there are depictions of a dove – a symbol of faith, love, and bravery, shown flying towards an arch like an arched door in a cathedral or church. This is representative of us leaving the church on Sundays and going out into our communities to do the work that we’re called to do.

The blue squiggle in the smaller arch represents the Columbia River, which divides Oregon and Washington, with the Snake River flowing in from Idaho, giving a nod to our different Conferences.

At the top of the text is a mountain range, the 3 mountains giving a nod to the Trinity and also highlighting the various mountains throughout our conferences. The middle one is meant to show some resemblance of Mt. Denali in Alaska.

The rainbow borders (as well as the skintone rainbow inside the circl) represent inclusive love, and how antiracism work goes hand in hand with LGBTQ+ rights. The color choices and thick outlines are intended to give the image a feeling of alertness.


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