Western Jurisdiction College of Bishops call for special session July 17


The College of Bishops of the Western Jurisdiction of The United Methodist Church in accordance with ¶ 521 of the 2016 Book of Discipline, hereby calls a special session of the jurisdictional conference on July 17, 2021. The meeting will be held virtually. The purpose of this special session is to approve bishops’ requests for retirement and to determine the number of bishops to be elected at the next regular Jurisdictional Conference now scheduled for November 2-5, 2022.  

This special session of the jurisdictional conference will also receive and review the reports and recommendations of the five work groups formed by the jurisdictional Mission Cabinet to assist the jurisdictional conference delegates. The five groups providing these reports are related to:

  • The jurisdiction’s mission statement;
  • The theological and missional context of the work of bishops;
  • The assignment of bishops;
  • The jurisdiction’s commitment to permeable boundaries across annual conferences and episcopal areas for the sake of mission and ministry; and
  • The jurisdiction’s administrative and financial oversight.

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