Exponential Results

By Brian Zehr, Co-Founder of Intentional Impact
What if there were a relational way to develop leaders?
What if we could invest in people in such a way that ministries are multiplied?
Started in October 2016, the Multiplying Ministries Group continues to wrestle with these questions (and others). As we kicked off this eight-month cohort, three values emerged:

First, the priority of people over programs is a common theme. In the conversations – both among clergy and one-on-one with me, the reality is that often we seem to spend our time in developing programs and working with the congregation, instead of investing in specific people. Pastors in this cohort are authentically striving to prioritize the development of people.
Second, the importance of lay leaders focused on including and developing other leaders is starting to take root. This is not a new method or program, but rather it’s a culture shift that creates lasting change. In this volatile season, there is a need for a culture of engagement with people who will, in turn, influence others. Multiplying leaders is not about positions of leadership; it’s about the making of disciples who will disciple others. My perception of the pastors in this group is that we are all striving to wisely create this shift.
Third, I have seen and been blessed with a refreshing transparency as pastors strive not to learn more information, but rather to take action into their context. This bias for action has been both a challenge and an impetus for accountability. We don’t want to take on principles of leadership without putting them into practice in our settings. Whether it is a new church start or a shift in an existing church, there is a strong commitment to figuring out how to lead more effectively with exponential results.
I, for one, have been excited about the opportunities these leaders have to influence the trajectory of the church. I can’t wait to see how these ministries multiply.
Brian Zehr is the co-founder and lead architect of Intentional Impact and Intentional Institute. He has nearly 30 years of experience as a professional speaker, leader, trainer, coach and leadership developer. Brian is the author of THOROCITY: The Seven Critical Components to Lead With Confidence.