Advent 4 – Joy

“Joy to the World. . . Let earth receive her king. . .”
Isaac Watts, 1719
On the question of who’s in charge, the Bible is clear. All kinds of foolishness and evil occur in human lives and human history, but God is in charge. The one who finds the lost, forgives sin, makes highways straight, deserts bloom and shines light in the darkness. The way we know that God is in charge, isn’t because everything is fine. Bad stuff happens all the time. We know that God is in charge because the values of peace, justice, kindness are woven into the fabric of our being and an alarm sounds when the ways of the world stray too far from the way of Jesus.
And so we sing JOY! in every season because even in the darkest times, God tugs people to grace and truth, unfailingly, eternally, and will not rest until creation thrives, people enjoy abundant life, and justice is as natural and unstoppable as a river.
There’s a lot of anxiety about the recent presidential election.
- The role of fake news in shaping public opinion
- The intrusion of Russia into the process
- The statements by the FBI director
- The role of the electoral college
- The depth of dissatisfaction of Americans with government (19% in Nov. 2015)
- The depth of distrust in the President-elect (41-48% since election)
- Will the president-elect really carry through on all the promises he made
“He rules the world with truth and grace,
And makes the nations prove the glories of his righteousness, and wonders of his love.”
Truth, grace and love find their way through an uncertain time. Sing for JOY!
Bishop Elaine JW Stanovsky
Sandra Gerhardt
Thank you so much for your helpful words.