Keeping our communities healthy during the season of Lent

Traducción: español
United Methodists and friends,
Grace and peace to you in the name of Jesus Christ, who came so that we all might live life to the fullest. We know that life depends on spiritual health, and also on physical well-being.
As we enter the season of Lent, the world is watching a dangerous disease spread. We don’t know how widely or quickly the Coronavirus (COVID-19) will spread. I do know that United Methodists want to help limit its spread for the health of one another and the whole world.
Churches are places where people gather and care for one another. We welcome strangers, sit close to one another, join hands in prayer, give hugs of encouragement, and sometimes even weep together. This is a season when it is important for us to be careful and to develop intentional habits that can prevent the spread of this disease.
So, as Lenten practices, I encourage all United Methodists, wherever you gather, to take these reasonable precautions, consistent with the advice of the World Health Organization:
- Stay home when you don’t feel well. Model this behavior and encourage others to do the same.
- Download and post the hygiene advice (linked below) in all restrooms and kitchens.
- Be sure alcohol-based hand sanitizer is readily available throughout your facilities, for example, alongside boxes of tissue in sanctuary pews, and in every room. Encourage people to take the hand sanitizer with them when they leave. Then make sure it is replenished. Invite a church member to volunteer to monitor this throughout the Lenten season as a gift to the health of the church.
- Encourage everyone to observe a 4 ft distance from others. Maybe suggest a new gesture of greeting, like folding your hands over your heart and then opening them palms out and down toward another person — in a sign of connection, rather than palms out and up, which might indicate separation.
- Check the World Health Organization website, and local health sites for new public notices, publicize them.
The spread of COVID-19 is a situation that we’ll be watching closely. I’ve asked our Directors of Connectional Ministries (DCMs) to be in conversation with our UMVIM/Disaster Response Teams to review plans and assess potential resources as these persons regularly network with community and governmental agencies.
The way John Wesley held spiritual and social holiness together is a mark of Methodist distinction. He studied and wrote extensively about medicine and the importance of maintaining a healthful life both spiritually and physically. Let’s follow his example. Let’s work for holiness of body as well as spirit this holy season.
May God bless you and keep you healthy and safe,

Bishop Elaine JW Stanovsky
Credit: World Health Organization Credit: World Health Organization Credit: World Health Organization Credit: World Health Organization
Rev. Jeremy Smith (STH ’06) was featured for his leadership in Seattle Times | School of Theology
[…] everyone to observe a 4 ft distance from others,’ Stanovsky wrote in the post. ‘Maybe suggest a new gesture of greeting, like folding your hands over your heart and then […]
St. Matthew Happenings – Saint Matthew United Methodist Church Greenville
[…] Particularly as we move through the Lenten season, Stanovsky encourages all United Methodists to practice reasonable precautions to stay virus-free. […]
Coronavirus: What to know, how to help | Central United Methodist Church Beaver Falls
[…] Particularly as we move through the Lenten season, Stanovsky encourages all United Methodists to practice reasonable precautions to stay virus-free. […]