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Author: Greater NW Communications

Únase al seminario web, “Webinar”, este próximo miércoles con nuestra Obispa

La obispa Elaine JW Stanovsky invita a los pastores/as y a los laicos en las tres conferencias del Gran Área Episcopal del Noroeste a un seminario web, sobre el impacto que el Coronavirus está teniendo en las iglesias locales de la región.

El seminario web se llevará a cabo este miércoles por la mañana, 1ro de abril, a las 9 a.m., hora del Pacífico (8 a.m., hora de Alaska y 10 a.m., hora de la montaña).

Para participar en el seminario web, debe HACER CLIC AQUÍ para registrarse con anticipación. El registro ya está disponible y todos los laicos y clérigos metodistas unidos en el Gran Noroeste son bienvenidos.

Después de registrarse, recibirá un correo electrónico de confirmación con información sobre cómo unirse al seminario web. Para aquellos que no hayan usado Zoom antes, visite antes de la reunión para probar su conexión y descargar el software necesario.

También puede llamar al seminario web por teléfono para escuchar. Los números de llamada se proporcionarán a las personas por correo electrónico después de que se registren.

El seminario web ofrece una oportunidad para que las participantes puedan enviar preguntas durante la conversación y que estas preguntas pueden ser respondidas por la Obispa y otros panelistas que serán invitados a la discusión.

Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) Q&A for Churches

What does the FFCRA require?

FFCRA requires certain employers to provide new, and temporarily available, paid leave to employees who are impacted by COVID-19-related issues in certain ways. Specifically, the FFCRA requires those employers to provide up to 80 hours of paid sick leave and up to 12 weeks of leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (“FMLA”), the first 10 days of which are unpaid.

Does the FFCRA apply to churches and other religious organizations?

FAQ provided by the General Council on Finance & Administration.

In general, the FMLA applies to any employer which is “engaged in commerce” and which employs at least 50 people. For the purposes of the leave provided by the FFCRA, an “employer” must be engaged in commerce and must have fewer than 500 employees. Thus, churches and religious organizations that already must comply with the FMLA will likely have to provide the 12 weeks of leave created by the FFCRA, unless they have 500+ employees. Those that have not previously been subject to FMLA requirements because they have fewer than 50 employees will have to provide the 12 weeks of leave if they are engaged in commerce.[1]

The paid sick leave requirement applies to the same set of employers – i.e., employers engaged in commerce that have fewer than 500 employees.[2]

When is the FFCRA effective?

The FFCRA paid leave requirements become effective as of April 1, 2020 and remain in effect through December 31, 2020.

Do part-time employees receive 80 hours of paid sick leave?

No. Part-time employees are eligible to receive an amount of paid leave equal to the average number of hours the employee works over a 2-week period.

How would an employee be eligible for the paid sick leave?

An employee would be eligible to receive this paid leave if the employee is unable to work or telework for any of the following reasons:

  1. The employee is subject to a Federal, State, or local quarantine or isolation order related to COVID–19. 
  2. The employee has been advised by a health care provider to self-quarantine due to concerns related to COVID–19.
  3. The employee is experiencing symptoms of COVID–19 and seeking a medical diagnosis.
  4. The employee is caring for an individual who is subject to an order as described in one of the first two items in this list.
  5. The employee must care for a child because the child’s school or daycare is closed or because the child’s childcare provider is unavailable due to COVID–19 precautions.
  6. The employee is experiencing any other substantially similar condition specified by the Secretary of Health and Human Services in consultation with the Secretary of the Treasury and the Secretary of Labor.

How much is the employer required to pay an employee who takes this paid sick leave?

In general, the employee would be paid the employee’s regular rate of pay, if the employee is taking the sick leave because of one of the first three reasons listed above. However, an employer would not be required to pay more than $511 per day and $5,110 total.

If the employee is taking the sick leave for one of the last three reasons listed above, the employer must pay the employee at least 2/3 of the employee’s regular pay rate, up to maximum of $200 daily and $2,000 total.

Can an employer require an employee to use already-provided paid sick leave first?

No. If an employee is unable to work for any of the six reasons listed above, the employee may choose to first use the up to 80 hours of paid sick leave provided by the FFCRA. This paid sick leave is in addition to other paid leave provided by the employer.

How would an employee be eligible for the 12 weeks of FMLA leave?

The 12 weeks of FMLA leave provided by the FFCRA are available to an employee who is “unable to work (or telework) due to a need for leave to care for the son or daughter under 18 years of age of such employee if the school or place of care has been closed, or the child care provider of such son or daughter is unavailable, due to a public health emergency.”

Are all 12 weeks paid?

No. The FFCRA does not require the first 10 days of the FMLA leave to be paid. However, an employee may substitute other paid leave provided by the employer (vacation, sick, personal, etc.) during those 10 days. The employee could also use the 80 hours of paid sick leave provided by the FFCRA for those 10 days. Afterwards, an employer must then provide paid leave for up to 10 subsequent weeks.

How much is the employer required to pay during those 10 weeks?

The FFCRA requires an employer to pay at a rate that is at least 67% of the employee’s regular pay rate. However, the employer is not required to pay more than $200 per day, even if that is less than 2/3 of the employee’s regular pay rate. The FFCRA also limits the total amount that must be paid by the employer over the 10-week span to $10,000.[3]

Are churches and religious organizations eligible for the tax credits associated with these paid leaves even if they do not pay income taxes?

Yes. A church or other religious employer has access to tax credits to offset the costs of providing the paid leave required by the FFCRA. The credits are not against income taxes but are instead immediately applied to payroll taxes submitted and paid via IRS Form 941.

Are there limits to the amount of credits that can be claimed?

Yes. The credit that can be claimed for paid leave provided to an employee pursuant to the FFCRA is limited to the maximums that employers are required to pay for such leave. For example, if an employer paid an employee who was unable to work for 12 weeks in order to care for a child whose daycare facility was closed because of COVID-19 a total of $15,000, the employer could only claim a credit for $12,000.

Are any other costs recoverable?

The FFCRA provides for an additional credit based on the healthcare insurance costs related to an employee who takes paid leave under the FFCRA.  

What other resources are available?

The Department of Labor has released the following:

The Internal Revenue Service has made some information available about the process for claiming credits against payroll taxes. Additional guidance from both is expected over the coming weeks.

This Q&A document is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as legal or tax advice. Organizations with questions about the applicability of the FFCRA to their specific circumstances should consult with a legal or tax professional.

[1] Whether or not an employer is engaged in commerce depends upon the facts and circumstances applicable to that employer. Churches and other religious organizations could be deemed to be engaged in commerce if they, among other possibilities, have unrelated business income or operate a camp, day care, school, etc.

[2] The FFCRA does allow for an exemption for employers with fewer than 50 employees if providing the paid leave required by the FFCRA would “jeopardize the viability of the [employer] as a going concern.” This exemption would be governed by regulations issued by the Department of Labor.

[3] If combined with the 80 hours of paid sick leave provided by the FFCRA, the employee would be eligible to receive up to $12,000 over a 12-week span.

Conducting memorial services during COVID-19: tips for how to make meaningful connection

In the best of times planning and officiating at funerals and memorials can be both very challenging and rewarding. In these times of Stay-At-Home and Do-Not-Gather orders the challenges and opportunities abound. The following suggestions and resources are offered as an invitation to consider how we can best support those in our our congregations and communities, who are grieving the loss of loved ones, during these especially difficult times. The following are recommended resources from Rev. Marshall Wattman-Turner, Abundant Health Coordinator for the Oregon-Idaho Conference and trained chaplain. Your comments and suggestions are welcome:

  • Find Out Who Will Be Involved in Making Decisions regarding Funeral / Memorial Arrangements. If several people will be involved or need to be consulted, it may help you to identify a primary point of contact.
  • If your congregation is already set up for online worship, consider how these resources might be adapted to livestream or record and distribute a Memorial Service.
  • You Don’t Need to Try and Re-Invent the Wheel The United Methodist General Board of Discipleship provides a wealth of resources related to COVID-19 and Funeral & Memorial Services:
  • Consider A Virtual Wake to provide an opportunity for sharing memories in whatever manner works best for those involved. It could be a live event via telephone or online, or an invitation could be extended to share personal remembrances over an extended period by mail, email, or online. If you are uncertain about how to proceed, ask your local Funeral Home / Mortuary for guidance or assistance. Reminiscing together can be framed by Scripture or Prayer.
  • Consider the use of social media and its practical implications for a memorial service.
  • The National Funeral Director’s Association (NFDA) includes several resources including: When a Loved One Dies During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Ways to practice self-care while grieving 

  • Write a letter about your loved one and memories you have, make copies and mail them out to friends and family. Invite them to reply to you with memories of their own.
  • Reach out to family and friends by phone. They’ll enjoy hearing from you and it’s an opportunity for you to share a memory of your loved one and for them to do the same.
  • Keep a journal. As you are inspired to do so, write about memories of your loved one and how you are feeling about your grief. Share those memories with others as you are comfortable in doing so.
  • Make self-care a priority

A Memorial Service can be Postponed.  Grief Can Not.

  • Amidst the shattering of life, as you’ve known it, grief is more than “just a feeling” It encompasses our whole being: Body, Mind, Heart, and Spirit. Grief may involve dozens of feelings—sometimes contradictory feelings—that are a response to losing someone you love. Because grief is such a complex experience that is different for every person, it is important to find support and take good care of your emotional and physical needs. While grief is a normal, natural, and fully human response to loss, it can be cumulative and complicated, when denied or delayed.
  • Learn More About the Journey of Grief from the Center For Loss and Transition.
  • ACES Connections gathers resources for Trauma-Informed Care. Daren Casagrande is a Mental Health Therapist in Davis, Calif., where the first case of COVID-19 in California was identified. His recommendations include some Best Practices For Conducting Sessions Online.

Vanco offers Online Giving fee waiver to UMC churches during COVID-19

Vanco, a partner of The United Methodist Church’s General Council on Finance and Administration, currently serves approximately 25,000 churches and faith-based organizations as clients. Hosted online giving pages from Vanco Payment Solutions are a great way for members and guests to give from their laptop, tablet, phone or any device with an Internet connection.

For any United Methodist church that enrolls with Vanco, the monthly fee for the Start Plan will be waived for a full year and for those that enroll with the Sustain Plan, the monthly fee would be waived for the first 3 months.

This service allows churches to accept recurring donations for weekly offerings, pledges or one-time gifts to an unlimited number of funds. Vanco does not work in a contracted manner and churches are under no long-term obligation and will not incur a cancellation fee should they choose to end services. 

Learn more about Vanco at Have questions? Contact Peter Johnson at or 952-352-8136.

The website offers a chart with fee comparisons between a number of vendors serving nonprofit and church ministries. Vanco fees are listed under their GivePlus branding, and this offer is not included in the chart.

Los obispos de la jurisdicción occidental ofrecen orientación de cómo mantener la celebración del Sacramento de la Comunión

Carta al clero metodista unido de la jurisdicción occidental
La Iglesia Metodista Unida
Colegio de Obispos de la Jurisdicción Oeste

Amados/as siervos/as de Cristo,

Escribimos, como sus líderes episcopales, en estos días sin precedentes de cambio social debido a la crisis de COVID-19. Estamos agradecidos por las muchas formas en que han respondido, aprendiendo nuevas destrezas y experimentando mientras buscan responder a las necesidades pastorales de sus comunidades.

Hemos recibido muchas preguntas sobre la comunión en línea: ¿Es esto posible? Los presbíteros ordenados de la Iglesia Metodista Unida han sido apartados para cuidar y administrar los sacramentos en la vida de la Iglesia. Los pastores locales con nombramientos en iglesias locales también tienen este privilegio extendido. ¿Cómo vamos a ser el cuerpo de Cristo en estos días que vivimos cuando no podemos encontrarnos en la presencia el uno del otro, sino únicamente reunirnos en línea o por otros medios?

El Sacramento de la Santa Comunión es un medio de gracia en nuestra tradición Wesleyana. A través de este sacramento, experimentamos el misterio de la gracia preveniente, justificadora y santificadora de Dios. En esta santa cena, cuando llegamos a la mesa con corazones arrepentidos y agradecidos experimentamos a Cristo totalmente presente, y recordamos lo que Dios ha hecho a través de Jesucristo por nuestro bien y del mundo entero. A través de la Santa Comunión, somos traídos a una relación segura con Cristo y entre nosotros mismos como miembros del cuerpo de Cristo, a través del tiempo y el espacio en que vivimos.

En estos momentos en que no podemos encontrarnos en persona, creemos que es importante ofrecer mutuamente este medio de gracia vital. No estamos indicando que la Santa Comunión se celebre en todas nuestras congregaciones en este tiempo de distanciamiento social. Sin embargo, apoyamos a nuestros clérigos que a través de la reflexión y la oración han llegado al lugar de creer que su congregación se fortalecería en esta hora al compartir la Santa Comunión. Confiamos en la sabiduría y la fidelidad de nuestros cleros para discernir tales asuntos pastorales en sus contextos particulares.

Especialmente en este tiempo de separación física entre nosotros, la Santa Comunión puede ser un medio del poder sanador de Dios. Permanecemos abiertos a lo que Dios nos está enseñando en este momento. Creemos en la importancia de ser comunidad, de estar presentes y juntos en la Mesa de nuestro Señor, arrepentidos de nuestros pecados y buscando vivir en paz los unos con los otros. Apoyamos a nuestros cleros en sus esfuerzos por encontrar formas de llevar los medios de gracia al pueblo de Dios sabiendo que el Espíritu Santo, nos hace uno en Cristo, unidos el uno con el otro y somos uno en el ministerio para todo el mundo, y esto es infalible con nosotros. Recuerda que te han confiado esta Santa Cena. Reverentemente prepare a su congregación para recibir los dones de Dios que están destinados su pueblo:

Algunos de ustedes se están reuniendo a través de transmisión en vivo, via Zoom y otras plataformas. Otros se conectan por teléfono o dependen de material impreso o un disco DVD. Aquí hay algunas cosas que debe considerar:

  1. Antes de proveer la Santa Comunión a través de estos nuevos medios, diga a las personas lo que necesitarán tener a mano para participar, teniendo en cuenta que no queremos aumentar la ansiedad de ellos o poner en peligro su seguridad al exigir un viaje al supermercado durante este tiempo. ¿Qué elementos básicos pueden tener las personas a la mano que sean convenientes y puedan usarse? Brinde a los miembros de su iglesia y a otras personas que elijan participar con usted en la Santa Comunión suficiente orientación para ayudarlos a experimentar plenamente la presencia de Cristo nuestro Señor.
  2. Celebrar la comunión en línea nos brinda la oportunidad de profundizar la comprensión de la Santa Cena en nuestras congregaciones. Al reunir a su comunidad de fe para celebrar la Santa Cena, discuta nuestra teología de la Eucaristía y cómo es este medio de gracia nos une a Cristo y a los demás. Este Santo Misterio: Una comprensión metodista unida de la Santa Cena es un recurso útil que nos mantiene unidos en nuestro entendimiento común de la comunión. Se puede encontrar en línea AQUÍ.
  3. Para aquellos que no pueden conectar la adoración de la congregación a través de la tecnología y, por lo tanto, los elementos no pueden ser consagrados en línea, recomendamos que:
    • Usted compre los elementos de la comunión pre-empacados (por ejemplo, vea: ESTE ENLACE). Si elige usar estos elementos, recuerde consagrarlos antes de enviarlos a los miembros y constituyentes de la iglesia.
    • Puede optar por enviar por correo estos elementos consagrados o con la ayuda de líderes laicos puede entregarlos en los hogares de las personas mientras practican el distanciamiento social.
    • Algunas congregaciones ya cuentan con equipos de visitación que distribuyen la comunión. Aconsejamos que los pastores que aún no tienen estos equipos los creen para ayudar a participar en el intercambio de la Sagrada Comunión.
    • Creemos que el contacto humano es crítico para aquellos que no pueden unirse en vivo a través de la tecnología. Cuando estos elementos consagrados se envían a los hogares de las personas, debe seguirse con una llamada del pastor o miembro del equipo de visitas para que las oraciones de comunión puedan ofrecerse juntas. Es posible que desee agregar una liturgia escrita a los elementos cuando los envíe. No olvides practicar precauciones de seguridad.

Seguimos orando contigo y por ti. Usted está proporcionando un centro vital de conexión comunitaria y la esperanza que se encuentra en las Buenas Nuevas de Jesucristo. Que Dios continúe equipándote y fortaleciéndote para el ministerio al que has sido llamado.

En servicio contigo,

Robert T. Hoshibata, President
Minerva G. Carcaño, Secretary
Grant Hagiya
Elaine JW Stanovsky
Karen P. Oliveto

Western Jurisdiction Bishops offer guidance for the Observance of Holy Communion

A Letter to the United Methodist Clergy of the Western Jurisdiction
The United Methodist Church
From the WJ College of Bishops

Beloved Servants of Christ, 

We write, as your episcopal leaders, in these unprecedented days of social change due to the COVID-19 crisis. We are grateful for the many ways you have responded, learning new skills and experimenting as you seek to respond to the pastoral needs of your people.

We have received many questions about online communion: Is this possible? Ordained elders of The United Methodist Church have been set apart to care for the Sacraments in the life of the Church. Local pastors appointed to local churches are extended this privilege as well. How are we to be the body of Christ in these days we are living when we cannot meet in each other’s presence but instead gather online or through other means?

The Sacrament of Holy Communion is a means of grace in our Wesleyan tradition. Through it, we experience the mystery of God’s prevenient, justifying, and sanctifying grace. In this meal, we experience Christ fully present to us as we come to the Table with penitent and grateful hearts to remember what God has done through Jesus Christ for our sake and the sake of the whole world. Through Holy Communion, we are brought into saving relationship with Christ and with one another as members of Christ’s body across time and space. 

In these times when we cannot meet in person, we believe it is important to offer one another this vital means of grace. We are not prescribing that Holy Communion be celebrated in all of our congregations in this time of social distancing. However, we stand with our clergy who through reflection and prayer have come to the place of believing that their congregation would be strengthened in this hour through the sharing of Holy Communion. We trust the wisdom and the faithfulness of our Clergy to discern such pastoral matters in their own context. 

Especially in this time of physical separation from one another, Holy Communion can be a conduit of God’s healing power. We remain open to what God is teaching us in this moment. We believe in the importance of being community, present together at the Table of our Lord, repentant of our sin and seeking to live in peace with one another. We support you our Clergy in your efforts to find ways to bring the means of grace to God’s people knowing that the Holy Spirit who alone can make us one with Christ, one with each other, and one in ministry to all the world, is unfailingly with us. Remember that you have been entrusted with this sacred meal. Reverently prepare your congregation to receive the gifts of God that are meant for the people of God:

Some of you are gathering through live-streaming, Zoom, and other face-to-face platforms. Still others are connecting by phone, or are relying on printed material or a DVD disc. Here are some things for you to consider:

  1. In advance of providing Holy Communion through these new means, tell people what they will need to have on hand to participate, being mindful that we don’t want to increase people’s anxiety or jeopardizing their safety by requiring a trip to the grocery store during this time. What basic elements might people have on hand that are familiar and could be used?  Give your church members and others who may choose to participate with you in Holy Communion enough guidance to help them observe it fully present to Christ our Lord.  
  2. Moving to online communion provides us with an opportunity to deepen our congregations’ understanding of Holy Communion. As you gather your faith community for Holy Communion, discuss our theology of the Eucharist and how it is a means of grace that binds us to Christ and one another. This Holy Mystery: A United Methodist Understanding of Holy Communion is a helpful resource that holds us together in our common understanding. It can be found online HERE.
  3. For those who are unable to connect with the worshipping congregation through technology and thus the elements cannot be consecrated online, we recommend that:
    • You purchase pre-filled communion elements (for example, see: LINK). If you choose to use these elements, consecrate them before having them sent to church members and constituents. 
    • You may choose to mail these consecrated elements or with the help of lay leaders deliver them to people’s homes while practicing social distancing. 
    • Some congregations already have communion visitation teams in place. We advise that pastors who do not already have these teams create them to assist in participating in the sharing of Holy Communion.
    • We believe human contact is critical for those unable to join by livestream. When these consecrated elements are sent to people’s homes, it should be followed with a call from the pastor or visitation team member so that communion prayers can be offered together. You may want to add a written liturgy to the elements when you send them forth. Don’t forget to practice safety precautions.

We continue to pray with and for you. You are providing a vital center of community connection and the hope that is found in the Good News of Jesus Christ. May God continue to equip and strengthen you for the ministry to which you’ve been called.

In service with you,

Robert T. Hoshibata, President                        
Minerva G. Carcaño, Secretary                        
Grant Hagiya      
Elaine JW Stanovsky
Karen P. Oliveto

Conectando Vecindarios

Conectando Vecindarios

Familias y Congregaciones preparadas

para la respuesta durante una pandemia viral (COVID-19) (Adaptado)

“Cada uno ponga al servicio de los demás el don que haya recibido, administrando fielmente la gracia de Dios en sus diversas formas..” — 1 Peter 4:10

El programa Conectando Vecindarios fue diseñado para preparar a nuestras iglesias para responder a desastres de todo tipo, incluyendo la emergencia que tenemos con el coronavirus actual. Esta guía de conectando nuestro vecindarios en primer lugar se enfoca en nosotros mismos, nuestras familias y nuestros hermanos/as de nuestra congregaciones.

Descargar la versión PDF

Primeros Pasos

Tome cuidado de usted mismo y de su familia. Entonces usted estará listo para ayudar a los demás.

No podemos ministrar eficazmente a los demás si no nos hemos asegurado de que nuestras familias estén bien y preparadas para cuidarse entre ellos.

  • Planifique y prepárese para la posibilidad de una auto-cuarentena. Establezca su propio plan de comunicación entre sus conocidos, amigos y familiares que incluya cómo se comunicarán entre cada uno de ustedes. Esto debe incluir medios alternativos de comunicación en caso de que las comunicaciones regulares se interrumpan o se sobrecarguen si la emergencia  con el virus empeora. Asigne otro miembro de la iglesia o vecino para que sea un contacto interino para los miembros de la familia si su plan de comunicación falla.
  • Tenga a mano un suministro para 14 días de alimentos, recetas medicas, medicamentos sin receta, necesidades básicas (es decir; necesidades personales, productos de higiene, suministros sanitarios, pañales y alimentos para mascotas). Consulte la lista del “Kit de supervivencia” de la Cruz Roja Americana en:
  • Mantenga el tanque de gasolina de su vehículo al menos a la mitad.
  • Haga arreglos para la entrega de su correo postal si vive en un área donde su correo se encuentra en una ubicación central.
  • Haga arreglos para o dar seguimiento a miembros de la familia amigos que están en cuarentena.
  • Conozca la información de contacto de su medico primario.
  • Haga arreglos de transportación a un centro médico, si es necesario.

Congregaciones Preparadas

Congregaciones Preparadas

  • Cree un equipo de toma de decisiones entre el; (pastor, líder laico, adoración, finanzas y síndicos) que puedan tomar decisiones rápidamente.
  • Identifique un líder (que no sea el pastor) que coordine un equipo de voluntarios y sea responsable de la respuesta de la iglesia ante la emergencia de la pandemia.
  • Haga una lista de los recursos de la iglesia. Incluya recursos físicos y de comunicación, así como los dones y talentos de los miembros de la iglesia.
  • Establezca o use una red telefónica existente u otro método de conexión con los miembros de su congregación. Considere y adapte las preferencias y los medios de acceso tanto como sea posible. Pruebe este proceso para asegurarse de que todos los miembros regulares y asistentes frecuentes puedan ser contactados.
  • Haga una lista de sus miembros más vulnerables, personas confinadas en sus hogares y otras personas con necesidades especiales. Comuníquese con estas personas regularmente por teléfono (no confíe en mensajes de texto o correo electrónico) para asegurarse de que ellos estén bien y pregunte lo siguiente:
    • Pregúntale: ¿cómo se encuentran?
    • Solicite permiso a los miembros para compartir información según sea necesario.
    • ¿Tienen a alguien que les ayude, un cuidador u otra persona?
    • ¿Necesitan algo que no puedan conseguir por sí mismos?
    • ¿Utilizan un sistema de entrega de comestibles o el servicio de comidas sobre ruedas (“Meals-on-Wheels”), etc.?
    • ¿Necesitan alimentos, medicamentos recetados, etc.? No asuma que usted sabe lo que ellos necesitan y recuerde que pueden estar aislados debido al virus.
  • Identifique necesidades espirituales / emocionales para darle un seguimiento adicional.
  • Ministre espiritualmente a los miembros de la congregación que están en necesidad. Tenga en cuenta los ministros laicos, la ayuda del ministerio “Sthephen Ministry” y otros que tengan alguna capacitación para que le ayuden con el cuidado pastoral.
  • Use grupos pequeños existentes para satisfacer las necesidades de la congregación durante el período de la pandemia.
  • Establezca una estrategia de comunicación para mantener a los miembros informados sobre el estado de la emergencia, las necesidades de la congregación y las actividades y eventos programados o cancelados. Use los equipos existentes que ya están en su lugar para dar a conocer los mensajes. Para iglesias grandes, establezca un equipo de comunicaciones si es necesario.
  • Siga las recomendaciones de las autoridades de salud estatales y federales para reducir su riesgo de exposición.

Mientras planifica, se prepara y responde al coronavirus, recuerde que también estamos llamados a cuidar a nuestros vecinos. No dude en compartir este material con sus vecinos, con otras organizaciones religiosas y otras personas que puedan beneficiarse de esta información.

Recursos Adicionales

Si tiene preguntas sobre esta lista de verificación, necesita ayuda o desea una capacitación más profunda, comuníquese con:

Tips and tricks for taking your church committee meetings to Zoom

In addition to it being Lent, there is a ton of work that typically goes on in the church this time of year — everything from finance to administration to staff parish relations — and the suspension of worship, along with state and CDC guidelines on group gatherings means you’ll need to use your church’s Zoom account to keep things moving.

The Regional Media Resource Center in Des Moines, Wash., offers the following tips and guidelines for how to best accomplish this:

  • First, be careful with your Zoom account login information. By default, Zoom saves login information. Extra people logged into the account could mistakenly cause a scheduled meeting to be disconnected.
  • Your account is allowed to be logged in on one computer, one tablet, and one phone at the same time. (which can be handy for presenting or screen sharing on a second device. Just be sure to only have only one microphone active at any given time)

    If you decide to share the account, use the email address of someone that won’t mind a few extra notifications. Typically, that person will get an email if someone shows up for a meeting before the host arrives. You can change the email address for the account in your settings by logging into the website with your account.
  • When you have groups meeting remotely, it can be helpful for the person setting up the meeting to allow people to “join before host” in the Zoom account settings. When that option is enabled, meetings can proceed without the account “owner” present. Without the host joining, the meeting can exceed the 40-minute limit free accounts have but you do lose a few options only hosts can perform like recording and some management of the other attendees.
  • Scheduling meetings can be done in a web browser ( ) or by logging into the Zoom application on your computer or device. After a meeting has been scheduled, (or if you open any meeting you’ve scheduled in your account,) you can copy the invitation that will need to be sent to attendees via email.
  • Developing a regular practice of scheduling your meetings on Zoom in advance is critical if you plan to use the account to support multiple committees and the church’s pastoral work. During this time where the facility may be off limits, think of your account’s schedule as you would a particular room in your church building — one meeting at a time.
  • As your members use Zoom more, some may even grow to like it. Don’t forget to consider how to utilize the free plans Zoom offers. These plans can support unlimited 1 to 1 meetings between church members (40 minutes for groups up to 100 when a free account is the host), and could provide those physically isolated (with internet) some essential face time with family and friends.
  • Zoom actually has a fantastic support site where they’ve anticipated lots of the questions people commonly have. You can find it here:

Connecting Neighbors – Ready Families and Congregants

Connecting Neighbors

Ready Families and Congregants

Adapted for Response During a Viral Pandemic (COVID-19)

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” — 1 Peter 4:10

The Connecting Neighbors program was designed to prepare our churches to respond to disasters of all types including the current coronavirus. These guidelines are focused on the first part of the Connecting Neighbors program — ourselves, families and fellow congregants.

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First Steps

Take care of yourself and your family. Then you will be ready to reach out to others

We cannot effectively minister to others if we have not ensured our families are safe and prepared to take care of each other.

  • Plan and prepare for the possibility of self-quarantine. Establish your own family, friends, and relatives communication plan that includes how you will communicate with each other. This should include alternative means of communicating should regular communications be interrupted or overloaded if the virus worsens. Have another church member or neighbor be an interim contact for family members if your communication plan fails.
  • Have a 14-day supply on hand of food, prescriptions, Over-the-counter medications, basic necessities (i.e. personal, hygiene products, sanitary supplies, diapers, pet food.) Refer to the American Red Cross “Survival Kit” list at:
  • Keep your vehicle’s gas tank at least half full.
  • Arrange for mail delivery if you live in an area where your mail is delivered to a central location.
  • Arrange for wellness checks by a family member or friend, if quarantined.
  • Know your medical provider’s contact information.
  • Arrange for transportation to a medical facility, if needed.

Ready Congregations

Ready Congregations

  • Create a decision-making team (pastor, lay leader, worship, finance, trustees?) that can make decisions quickly.
  • Identify a leader (other than the pastor) who will coordinate a team of volunteers and be responsible for the church’s response to the pandemic.
  • List the church’s resources. Include physical and communication resources as well as the gifts and talents of the church members.
  • Establish or use an existing “phone tree” or other method of connecting with congregants. Consider and adapt to preferences and accessibility concerns as much as possible. Test your process to make sure all your regular members and frequent attendees can be reached.
  • Make a list of your most vulnerable members, shut-ins, and others with special needs. Check in with these individuals regularly by phone (don’t rely on text or email) to make sure they are doing well and ask the following:
    • Ask how they’re doing —
    • Ask permission from members to share information as needed.
    • Do they have someone to help them — a care giver or someone else?
    • Do they need anything they can’t get for themselves?
    • Do they use a grocery delivery system or a meals-on-wheels service, etc.?
    • Do they need groceries, prescription medicines, etc.? Don’t assume you know what they need and remember they may be isolated because of the virus.
  • Identify spiritual/emotional needs for additional follow-up.
  • Minister spiritually to congregants in need. Consider Lay Ministers, Stephen Ministers and others who have some training in caring for others.
  • Use existing small groups to meet the needs of the congregation during the term of the pandemic.
  • Establish a communication strategy to keep members informed of the status of the disease, the needs of the congregation, and activities and events scheduled or canceled. Use existing teams already in place to carry the messages forward. For large churches, establish a communications team if necessary.
  • Continue to follow the recommendations of the state and federal health authorities to lower your risk of exposure.

As you plan, prepare and respond to the coronavirus, remember that we are also called to care for our neighbors. Please feel free to share this with your neighbors, with other faith-based organizations and others who may benefit from this information.

Additional Resources

If you have questions concerning this checklist, need assistance, or want more in-depth training please contact:

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Las Conferencias del Area del Gran Noroeste ofrecen descuentos para cuentas de ZOOM y actualización de licencias de transmission (CCLI) para las Iglesias locales de nuestra Conferencias

Por Patrick Scriven

Con el fin de ayudar a las iglesias locales durante este período difícil, las Conferencias del Área del Gran Noroeste de la Iglesia Metodista Unida están patrocinando dos iniciativas especiales.

La primera oferta es el acceso a una cuenta Zoom de negocios a un precio altamente subsidiado de $ 50. Las iglesias locales en las Conferencias de Alaska, Oregón-Idaho y Pacífico Noroeste pueden enviar su solicitud utilizando este sencillo formulario.

“Durante las próximas semanas, donde todos tendremos que conectarnos de diferentes maneras”, expreso el Reverendo David Valera, Director Ejecutivo de Ministerios Conexionales para la Conferencia PNW. “Esperamos que Zoom sirva como una herramienta útil para que las iglesias locales continúen reuniéndose en grupos grandes y pequeños, en adoración y otras formas de comunidad”

La licencia que las iglesias pueden comprar apoyará reuniones de hasta 300 personas.

Además, las Conferencias de Alaska y el Noroeste del Pacífico han asegurado el permiso de transmisión para todo el catálogo de canciones de iglesias CCLI en esas conferencias para el próximo año.Tenga en cuenta que esas iglesias aún necesitarán obtener licencias para canciones fuera del catálogo de CCLI si eligen usarlas en línea. Algunas iglesias han tenido éxito al combinar la licencia CCLI con OneLicense o Christian Copyright Solutions, las cuales cubren más himnos en el Himnario Metodista Unido ”.

UPDATE: Nos complace compartir que OneLicense ofrece una licencia gratuita válida hasta el 15 de abril de 2020.

Tanto en las conferencias de Alaska como en el noroeste del Pacífico, la cobertura de seguro de la conferencia ha incluido licencias básicas de CCLI para iglesias locales durante varios años. La transmisión es una función adicional que cuesta entre $ 63 y $ 93 por licencia por año, dependiendo del tamaño de la iglesia.

Las iglesias en la Conferencia de Oregon-Idaho actualmente son responsables de sus propias licencias CCLI. Se les recomienda a ponerse en contacto con la empresa para analizar la flexibilidad en los permisos de transmisión y / o usar canciones en el dominio público.

Póngase en contacto con el Director del Centro Regional de Medios, Ian McKnight ( si tiene preguntas sobre cómo acceder y usar su licencia CCLI. Cada iglesia en la Conferencia de Alaska y PNW tiene un número de licencia CCLI individual que deberían usar cada vez que reproducen música para uso congregacional y ahora para transmitir en línea.

Como Gerente del Centro Regional de Medios, Ian también es un gran recurso para responder preguntas sobre derechos de autor y licencias para iglesias en toda el Área del Noroeste.

Zoom Details

Facturaremos a los que se registren para una cuenta de Zoom $ 50 con la opción de renovar a nuestra tarifa completa (aproximadamente $ 120) en enero de 2021. La misma cuenta está disponible en el sitio de por $ 19.99 por mes (más de $ 250 por año después de impuestos). Solo se permitira una cuenta por iglesia local. Podemos proveer ayuda adicional para las iglesias que la necesiten.

Patrick Scriven sirve como Director de Comunicaciones y Ministerios de Jóvenes para la Conferencia del Noroeste del Pacífico de la Iglesia Metodista Unida.